While the a Capella style of Pentatonix is as sophisticated as any of the other mainstream pop artists today, it seems to resonate with a much younger audience than usual. So much so that 85 tickets were provided to local children as part of the Santa Barbara Bowl Education Outreach Community Ticket Subsidy program (CTS)!
That’s the most most CTS tickets ever distributed! This program allows for kids to be exposed to a musical experience that they otherwise may not have the chance to see.
The youthful faces that attended this show included representatives of Everybody Dance Now, Girls Rock SB, The Village at Santa Barbara, Howard Elementary School, and Dos Pueblos, Santa Barbara, and San Marcos high schools.
With smiles and merchandise in hand, it is easy to see how these kids are positively impacted by these shows. It is our hope that they continue to explore the world of music, and that we can assist them along their musical journey.
For more information about the SB Bowl EdOut CTS program, head over to out Outreach Page and click on the “Community Ticket Subsidy” tab.