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Season Opener Bryan Ferry Not To Be Missed

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Pop music critic Randall Roberts from the LA Times recently posted a great article about “Coachella 2014: 10 not to miss at this year’s festival” and our season opener Bryan Ferry is included on this prestigious list. Coachella is a premier 3 day festival happening this weekend and the following in Indio CA with over 150 bands!

Roberts on Bryan Ferry:

Ferry, best known as the suave seducer for Roxy Music, is responsible for some of the most enduring British rock music of the 1970s and ’80s. Songs such as “More Than This,” “Angel Eyes” and “Avalon” bridged the oft-battling genres of rock, R&B and disco with elegance and grace. Standing boldly front and center, Ferry crooned with the effortlessness of someone who inherently understood the essence of rhythmic assimilation. Ferry still has that twinkle in his eye, which should shimmer a bit more during his expected dusk performance. What will Ferry play? We’ll put in our request: “Same Old Scene,” and make it the extended version.

Read the rest of Randall Roberts not to be missed act at Coachella here, and be sure not to miss Bryan Ferry at the Bowl and Coachella!